Monday, January 5, 2009

What shall I do this winter?

SOOOOO.....I am home. Everyone keeps asking me when I am going back to school and their reaction is always kinda funny when I say "April." Then I have to explain the whole 3-track program and how I was assigned to the summer/fall...blah blah blah. I have the entire winter semester off and I have nothing to do. Luckily I was able to come back to my job at the Rec and I even get to work 40 hours a week while I am home. In order to cure my winter boredom, I have decided to take up snowboarding. I've gone 3 times already and I'm getting better! I don't think I've ever been more sore in my life, but I guess sacrifice brings joy right? Well...just posting to let everyone know what I'm up to....nothing. Hope you are all having a wonderful winter. :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pine Martin

I'm sure all of you have seen Brittney's post about our snowmobiling trip. She wanted me to post the video of our wildlife encounter. Enjoy.