Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm still alive

So I don't have any pictures...but I thought I would just let you all know that I am still alive and going...somewhat. I really can't complain, my school load is pretty minimal for college level, but I still don't get very much sleep. Who would've guessed with a bunch of college kids? I slept through class for the first time this morning...whoops.

Roommates are pretty good...they get on my nerves every once in a while but I guess I am learning patience and temporance. I am having fun...trying to meet new people but its hard.

My favorite class is my Family Recreation class, it is super fun! We meet twice a week and one day is discussion and the other is a day just for activities and I love it. The activities are super fun and even the discussions are interesting. Acitivity day is also run by the students and tomorrow is my day to plan and operate. The assignment is arts and crafts, so I planned a bunch of drawing activities...wish me luck.

I also really like my photography class. Well, actually class is pretty boring but I love taking pictures, so its the only time that I can look forward to my homework. My last assignment was to take pictures of my favorite things. Here are a couple of my photos...

Another class that I really enjoy is my Women's Health class. It is really more like a personal health class in that it is designed for the students to improve their own well being. I mean I've aready had to change my diet to eat healthful foods and I have to it is a life changing class, really cool.
I really should be trying to sleep...since I have class at 8 in the morning.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

In the Burg!

I made it to Rexburg safe and sound and have moved in to my apartment. I start classes tomorrow! I went to church today and got a calling on the first Sunday! I am the activities representative for the Relief Society...don't ask me what that entails. So far I can stand my roommates...but it's only been like three days so we will see. You all know that I'm not used to living with girls, nor do I get along with very many girls. Haha. My diet for the last three days has consisted of cereal, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and red vines licorice. I will cook later in the semester.

Here is my little tiny bedroom that I GET to share...

...and tiny closet I GET to share...

...bathroom for six girls...

...the mess... room... I will let you know how my first week of classes go!

Monday, September 1, 2008

The last...supper?

Haha. So not quite like the last supper...but it is the last week at home before I move out of the house for the first time in my life. I've never moved! Can you believe it? Packing stinks. A lot of my friends have already taken off for college and we've had lots of "last hoo-ras."

Playgrounds are still fun at 18!

Fried ice cream...mmm...

We went fourwheeling and found this beautiful area of giant rocks! So pretty!