Sunday, June 6, 2010


I really don't have any reason to post...but I'm kind of bored and I thought you guys would want an update. School is going really well...we are officially half way through the semester. Two of my classes are over, being that they are "block" courses that only last for half of the semester. I started my outdoor photography class and this week I will also be starting rock climbing, and soccer. I know, I've got it hard.
Most of you already know, but Memorial Day weekend I surprised my family and showed up on Thursday afternoon. We went camping and I had some good quality baby time with Campbell, Brayli, Addie, and Davis over the course of the weekend. Right before I left town I snapped some pictures of Brayli for her 9 month old pictures. I haven't gotten around to emailing them to Beth here is just a sneak peak.


Joy said...

She is so cute. Can't wait to see the rest of them.

Kimberly and Chris said...

Wondered when we where going to get to see them! Coming home anytime around the 23? Campbell will need 3 month pics!

Elizabeth & Matthew said...

She is such a stinker! NO smiles that day. Oh well, this one is still so cute and typical of Brayli to be making a silly face.